WeWillRebuild is a Creative Initiative that aims to bring together people from conflict areas and around the globe. We strongly believe in the power of art through unification. By observing the recent war in Nagorno Kharabach we witnessed creators being forced to disrupt their work, their creativity and therefore their source of income. We believe no one should be left alone in a humanitarian crisis, and that we, as fellow creators have the duty to assist and help by using our strengths. We plan to do so, by providing a platform that connects and offers labor force to people who have ideas and dreams, but no means to make them happen - by offering access to digital and analog workshops, lecture series, opportunities for collaborative work with people across the globe and the ones in need.

- On an individual level: help individuals impacted by the war, who for example are in need of medical support in order to proceed with their work.

- On an institutional level:
help facilities such as kindergartens and schools by providing the tools, materials and labor to enhance and strengthen the Arts department.

- By reinvesting: help us to organize subsidized music and art festivals, exhibitions, cultural events, that aim to give projection to local artist‘s work and connect with other worldwide communities.

Our philosophy is to provide aid to war zones/conflict areas where art has obstacles to their development - by starting in Armenia we aim to generate a solid platform that can be implemented in other regions. Long distances, different time-zones and language become vanished barriers when united through the artistic values.

We believe that music and art should and will prevail against political differences and its consequences. Join us on this cause.

More coming soon.